
  • 美國之音

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蓬佩奧說:“我們認為,全世界必須通力合作來保證每個國家,包括中國,在國際體系中以恰當的、符合國際秩序的方式行事。你不能對那些你在法律上無權聲索的海洋區域提出主權聲索。你不能威脅、霸凌那些喜馬拉雅山附近的國家。你不能掩蓋真相,籠絡世界衛生組織這樣的國際機構。”( We think that the entire world needs to work together to ensure that every country, including China, behaves in the international system in ways that are appropriate, consistent with the international order. You can't go make claims for maritime regions that you have no lawful claim to. You can't threaten countries and bully them in the Himalayas. You can't engage in cover-ups and co-opt international institutions like the World Health Organization. )

蓬佩奧國務卿又說:“我們談到了看到香港的自由被碾壓。我們看著中共霸凌它的鄰國,將南中國海軍事化,與印度挑起衝突導致死亡。我希望藉此機會恭賀英國政府對這些挑戰作出有原則的回應。你們作出主權決定,禁止華為參與未來的5G網絡建設。你們與其他自由的國度一起譴責中國在與英國的條約上失信。你們敞開大門歡迎那些因為想要一些自由而逃離的香港人。昨天,你們暫停了(與香港的)引渡條約,也將武器禁運從中國擴大到香港。我們支持這些主權決定。我們認為,你們做得好。”(We talked about how we've seen Hong Kong's freedoms crushed. We've watched the CCP bully its neighbours, militarise features in the South China Sea and instigate a deadly confrontation with India. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the British government for its principled responses to these challenges. You've made a sovereign decision to ban Huawei from future 5G networks. You've joined other free nations to condemn China's broken promises on the side of British treaty. You generously opened your doors to Hong Kongers who seek nothing more than fleeing just for some freedom. And yesterday you suspended your extradition treaty, extended your arms embargo on China to Hong Kong itself. We support those sovereign choices. We think, well done.)