CECC 譴責香港當局禁止羅傑斯入境

美國國會及行政當局中國委員會譴責香港當局禁止英國人權活動人士入境 (圖片來源:CECC)

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CECC 譴責香港禁止羅傑斯入境

美國國會及行政當局中國委員會(CECC)共同主席,來自新澤西州的國會眾議員史密斯(Rep. Chris Smith)在美國東岸時間星期四下午發表聲明,譴責香港與北京當局禁止英國保守黨人權事務委員會副主席羅傑斯(Benedict Rogers)到訪香港。

史密斯眾議員的聲明說:“這宗事件是對香港自治權的又一大打擊。令我感到震驚和悲哀的是,中國政府正在向外國人警告,誰人可以在香港獲得見面,然後又公開承認是北京禁止羅傑斯進入香港。 北京雖然聲稱這是一個“內政事務”,但香港的自治和自由受到國際條約的保障,所以這是一個受到全球關注的事情,特別是中國正在積極侵蝕境內的民主呼聲。 這宗事件是違反了香港的“基本法”,它也令到所有有興趣維護香港自由的團體和國家感到一股寒意。所以我們必須共同努力,向北京和香港政府的領導人表達不滿。我們都有責任確保香港仍然是一個開放的城市,因為目前在中國大陸並無任何法治和權利保障。


This is another audacious blow to Hong Kong's autonomy. I am shocked and saddened that the Chinese government is warning foreigners about who they can meet in Hong Kong and then openly admitting complicity in barring Benedict Rogers from entry to the city. Beijing claims that this is an ‘internal matter,’ but Hong Kong’s autonomy and freedoms are guaranteed by international treaty, so thus are a global concern—particularly as China seeks to actively erode pro-democracy voices in the city. This incident is a breach of the Basic Law and it must send a chill through all corporations and countries that have an interest in maintaining Hong Kong’s freedoms. There must be a concerted effort to push back with the leaders in Beijing and the government in Hong Kong. We all have a stake in ensuring Hong Kong remains an open city, with the rule of law and guaranteed rights currently unavailable in Mainland China.